Southwestern Management And Realty Team

Tenant Newsletter – March 2018

Hello SMART Tenants!

We hope that this newsletter finds you well. Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend–on Sunday, March 11th. We are SPRINGING FORWARD!

PLEASE REMEMBER–WE MUST HAVE ALL MAINTENANCE REQUESTS IN WRITING. Only true emergencies will be handled by phones. Go to the website:, email to your property manager, send a fax, send a letter. Bottom line–it needs to be in writing.

ANNUAL INSPECTIONS:  When you have signed your new lease you are asked about a day and time for inspections. You will receive a call from the office trying to set those appointments–PLEASE be courteous and return the call or email. If we DO NOT hear from you–a call will be placed giving you a 24-hour notice–Your Property Manager will enter the home even if you are NOT there. Remember we have keys.


WEEDS & GARBAGE CANS! We are getting TONS of nasty letters from the HOA’s about these minor issues–PLEASE make sure you put the trash cans away and if you see a weed–PULL IT!

On a personal note–last week I was out for several days due to a family emergency. My baby of 14 years, Sapphire passed away in my arms on 2/15/18. She had been sick for a while. Mark and I are still distraught but we are dealing with an empty house of loud silence. For all of you who are animal lovers like us and the complete SMART office staff. Pets are not pets–they are members of the family. Our fur babies, now and the ones who have passed. Think happy memories and give them love.

I came across this poem. I’m sorry if I have left you crying but it’s beautiful:

Pawprints Left by You by: Teri Harrison

You no longer greet me as I walk through the door. You’re not there to make me smile, to make me laugh anymore. Life seems quiet without you: You were far more than a pet. You were a family member, a friend, a loving soul I’ll never forget.

It will take time to heal, for the silence to go away. I still listen for you and miss you every day. You were such a great companion, constant, loyal and true. My heart will always wear the pawprints left by you.

Download PDF version of newsletter HERE

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