Southwestern Management And Realty Team

Tenant Newsletter – March 2015

Hello SMART Tenants!

We hope that this newsletter finds you well. Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend—on Sunday, March 8th. We are SPRINGING FORWARD!

PLEASE REMEMBER—WE MUST HAVE ALL MAINTENANCE REQUESTS IN WRITING. Only true emergencies will be handled by phones. Go to the website:, email to your property manager, send a fax, send a letter. Bottom line—it needs to be in writing.

If you are still unclear who your manager is—please email me at: PLEASE KEEP THIS NEWSLETTER HANDY!

Jason Teglia                                   David Grisinghe                   davidg@managevegas

702.750.9725×226                                  702.750.9725×228

702.582.9003 cell

ANNUAL INSPECTIONS: When you have signed your new lease you are asked about a day and time for inspections. You will receive a call from the office trying to set those appointments—PLEASE be courteous and return the call or email. If we DO NOT hear from you—a call will be placed giving you a 24-hour notice—Your Property Manager will enter the home even if you are NOT there. Remember we have keys. BOTTOM LINE—PLEASE RETURN THE CALL AND BE THERE FOR THE INSPECTION DAY AND TIME.

Irish Blessing

May the roads rise

To meet you,

May the winds

Be always at your back,

May the sun shine

Warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft

Upon your fields,

And until we meet


May God hold you

In the hollow of

His hand.