Southwestern Management And Realty Team

Tenant Newsletter – February 2019

Rents: Just a reminder that rent is due on the 1st of each month but you do have a grace period until the 5th. IT MUST be in SMART’S office by the 5th by 5 pm and you will NOT be considered late! 2 pm deadline if paying online!

Owner Reserve Accounts: The GLVAR which is our police for being an agent has now issued a new lease. On your next renewal, the lease which is even longer now than before is completely different. So, when you get your renewal–PLEASE make sure you read everything. Once we receive the lease and it is counter-signed by the Broker, you will receive via email a fully executed lease. If you have any questions, please contact the office.

SMART is growing by leaps and bounds. When you send an email to the office PLEASE in the subject line reference your property address. It will help us out a lot and save time when looking up your file.

HOA Police: As the weather starts to get nice outside, the weeds will start to pop up. Don’t give the HOA police anything to crab about. If you see a weed–pull it, also make sure your garbage cans are put out of sight and/or in the garage. As you ALL know–I HATE HOA’s–let’s all work together so they won’t complain!


Keep your cat inside. Outdoors cats can freeze, become lost or stolen. Cats who are allowed to stray are exposed to fatal infectious diseases, including rabies. During the winter, outdoor cats sometimes choose to sleep under the hoods of cars, where it is warmer, then the motor is started, the cat can be injured or killed in the fan belt. To prevent this, bang on the hood LOUDLY, wait a few seconds before starting the engine to give the cat a chance to escape.

Never leave your dog/cat alone in a car during the cold. A car can act as a refrigerator in the winter, holding in the cold. Your companion could freeze to death. If your dog is sensitive to the cold due to age, illness or breed, take them outdoors only long enough to do their business. Puppies DO NOT tolerate the cold as well & may be difficult to potty train. If necessary, paper train your puppy inside if they appear to be sensitive to the weather. If you own a short-har breed, consider a warm coat/sweater. While this may seem to be a luxury, it is a necessity for many breeds. Finally,  make sure your companion has a warm place to sleep far away from all drafts & off the floor, such as a dog/cat bed/basket with a warm blanket or pillow in it.

Download PDF version of newsletter HERE

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