Tenant Newsletter — April 2016
Please remember—this is the time of year weeds like to spread and bloom. If you see them, take a few minutes and pull to avoid a wonderful HOA violation.
Lease Renewals are constantly being sent out when leases are due. When you receive the package, please take a moment, fill out and return to us as soon as possible. Yearly inspections have started.
Packages are only sent 1 time!
As you know, Goin’ Postal is charging anyone who brings in rent a $2.00 service fee. This is their deal, not SMART, please don’t be upset with us. If you are in the area and would like to drop your rent, please do so.
Watering Restrictions: For March and April you can water 3 days a week.
Group A: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Group B: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Group C: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Group D: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Group E: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Group F: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Remember: work Requests MUST be in writing.
Rent Checks: Please make sure that your rent checks are made payable to SMART or Southwestern Management And Realty
Are you tired of renting ?
Remember—SMART might have the house for you! We have capable agents who can find you the home of your dreams.
If you are thinking about buying, let me know and I can get you in touch with a SMART agent.
PDF Version of SMART Newsletter for Tenants — April 2016