We hope that this newsletter finds you well. There is a lot to update you on. The Las Vegas rental market is recovering! MLS now has approximately 3100 rentals that include single family homes, condos, and town homes. This time last year there was over 5700. The market is still a renter’s paradise. In an effort for you as Owners connected with SMART we, are constantly trying to bring our properties to the forefront of the renters so that property will be rented before another company’s listing. Please have an open mind when suggestions come your way.
THINKING ABOUT SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? Talk with SMART first and remember you have a benefit with SMART and it’s the SMART Choice Listing Program. View our website at www.managevegas.com and click on SMART Listing – as an owner with SMART your start up costs are only $995 (see services included). Call Mark Hall, Broker for more details at 702.750.9725×223 or email at mark.hall@managevegas.com. You can save THOUSANDS on this program.
Turnover of Rental: As Owners, you need to be prepared financially to make necessary repairs. When a situation arises with the property – your Property Manager needs to have positive communication with you. Tenants get angry when they are expecting items to be done and the Owners are unwilling to pay for these items. This is the risk you have in being a Landlord. We are managing and are pleased to manage, but SMART does not own the property, the owners do and we need full co-operation in making EVERYONE happy. Please be aware that SMART is not a bank and we do not front money for Owners for repairs. If you have a Home Warranty and you have NOT informed SMART – you will be charged for repair services. Better get that info to us as soon as possible.
In an effort to provide better service you have not 1 but 2 property managers.If you cannot reach one – try the otherPLEASE KEEP THIS NEWSLETTER HANDY!
Jason Teglia
702.582.9003 cell
David Grisingher\david@managevegas.com
702.521.4422 cell
Irish Blessing
May the roads rise to meet you,
May the winds be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again may God hold you
in the hollow of His hand.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has now issued SMART a new grade of service!
SMART is an A+ rated property management company. We’re making it happen!