We are receiving a number of violations from HOA’s for the most ridiculous items. Now with that being said – we must follow the rules: PLEASE contact your HOA and put SMART on the list to receive a copy of any violation(s). If the owner receives and then sends to SMART we are losing valuable time. Contact your HOA with the following address:
SMART / Owner Name
6955 N. Durango Drive #1115-107
Las Vegas, Nevada 89149
Southern Management And Realty Team is proud that we are holding at a 99% occupancy rate. At one point in early July – SMART was at a 100% occupancy. We have many tenants that are very happy with our service and are renewing for another year or longer. In addition, we have a waiting list of potential tenants who want to rent thru SMART. That says a great deal about our customer service and how we take care of business. Our growth is continuing so if you are thinking about purchasing more property or know someone who is – please let us know. Thank you for your continued trust and support.
A beautiful, intimate, romantic SMART wedding occurred on July 25th. Tania Munoz, SMART sales agent with us for over 6 years tied the knot to her new husband, Alan who is a Professor. She will continue to do sales and listing in Las Vegas and will be relocating to Iowa, and is also a Sales Agent there as well. We wish Tania and Allan all the love and happiness in the world. If you have property in Iowa and need an agent, please letCindi know and I can pass along to you her email and phone number. Fun was had by all.
Don’t forget about the SMART Choice Listing program designed for you to save thousands when you decide to sell.
We will be posting this information on the Owners page of our website (www.managevegas.com) or contact the office for a copy. We are very excited about this program and a couple of our Owners are now taking advantage of the SMART Choice Listing.
Home Inspections; Property Managers are getting home inspections done when a tenant is either renewing their lease. We have developed an easy form in which they check each room and photograph. Once completed, you will receive an email with a copy of the form and photos attached.
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions then you need to email me at: cindi@managevegas.com and please give us current information. Please make sure that you include your property address that we are managing.
We want to get properties turned around in 2 weeks or less. In order for this to happen, we need full cooperation from you have any funds sent to SMART as soon as possible. Property Managers will get the figures pretty close – and in some instances we will have security deposits to get started. Many tenants have been very respectful of the property and very little down time is required – sometimes it’s a different story.