Owner Newsletter – April 2018
Important Information
Weather is getting very nice here in Las Vegas–what does that mean–more HOA violations. We have been flooded with notices about weeds and plants & the never-ending request about garbage
HOME INSPECTIONS: When a property manager does an inspection on your property, we will attach a quick list on the condition of the property and a few photos of the home, which will be emailed to you.
PROPERTY TURNOVERS: In addition; we are turning properties as quickly as we can but also making sure the job is done right the first time. Since we are in a very aggressive market in rental condition–we want to make sure that everything is done prior to placing on the market. If you PM contacts you or Jeff, Maintenance Coordinator, regarding needing extra funds, please be responsive, you can use a credit card (3-5% upcharge), wire funds, send a check overnight–bottom line–no money–no work.
Shannon Gardner, 702.750.9725 x226
shannnon@managevegas.com (Property Manager)
Jeff Gardner, 702.750.9725 x2274
jeff@managevegas.com (Maintenance Coordinator)
Echo Wood, 702.750.9725 X222
echo@managevegas.com (HOA Liason)
Since January 1, 2018–SMART has exploded and we are now at 400 properties and still growing. We would like to WELCOME all the new Owners to the SMART family and we look forward to a long business relationship. To all the existing Owners, thank you for allowing SMART to service your property and for your trust and support!
Cindi & Mark Hall, Owners of SMARTT will be on vacation from April 20th and returning to the office on Monday, April 30th. If you need anything from Cindi, please contact Becky and for Mark, please contact Sophia. We will be cruising out of the country and excited that our phones will NOT be working.
Download the April 2018 Owner Newsletter HERE