Important Message – Owners
Dear SMART Owners:
Please take the time to read this. Over the Memorial Day weekend holiday, the first time in 10 years, one of our homes caught on fire. The Las Vegas Fire Department is still investigating the incident. There is talk that the tenants were shooting fireworks in the garage that set the home ablaze. The SMART Team was called and responded immediately. This home may be a total loss. SMART is waiting for the final report from the Fire Marshall. SMART does require that every Tenant has Renter’s Insurance to cover their personal property.
Why I am telling you this–you need to make sure that your Landlord Policy and Fire Insurance policy is up to date. PLEASE take the time to contact your insurance agent/company and make sure you are properly covered in a disaster like this. In the next few weeks, we will be sending out a form for updated information to put in your file. It is critical that you complete this form and return to SMART.
This is a reminder that you MUST add Southwestern Management Team, LLC as an additional insured on your policy. Please provide SMART a copy of the Declaration Page and the SMART form showing that you have taken care of this. Please comply with our request. We will need both the form and the Declaration Page(s) together at 1 time as we will be keeping track of everything received to SMART.
Secondly, EVERY SINGLE HOME NEED TO HAVE A “CO” (CARBON MONOXIDE) DETECTOR INSTALLED IN THE HOME. At a minimum of 1 and as many as 3 depending on the size of the home. CO is a silent killer. At another property the carbon monoxide alarm went off and it was determined that there was a water heater exhaust leak–this device saved lives not only for the tenants but for the surrounding attached neighbors as well. We currently have 1 owner who owns 25 properties and discovered how important this is and SMART will be installing these items in every home with the hope of saving lives.
To limit your liability, you should have this done if your property does not have one. The cost to install is $79.00 per alarm. Please contact Jeff, Maintenance Coordinator at (email only please). When SMART does turnarounds in-between Tenants, a CO detector is now being installed automatically. This will be an Owner expense.
Cindi Hall
Intake Specialist/Co-Owner
Direct Line: 702.750.9725×224
Download the Urgent Message to Owner HERE