Southwestern Management And Realty Team

Check Your Oven Before Thanksgiving!!!!!

It’s that time of year–family and friends are over for dinner, a massive feast is being prepared, and a turkey is in the oven. But, are you sure your oven works???? Test it before the holiday! Like this weekend when you’re baking cookies for the office!

Every year dozens of folks call frantically requesting that their ovens be fixed. It unfortunately is almost always when they have company en route or at their home, a turkey or ham in the oven, and no room for downtime.  We try to fix every one of them that we can, but we cannot always get to them all. PLEASE do not wait-test your stovetop and oven before the holidays.

  1. Check that all burners light properly and consistently.
  2. DOUBLE CHECK that the temperature will heat to various temperatures, and will hold that heat. You can purchase an oven-safe thermometer at most hardware and grocery stores or online retailers such as
  3. If all is good–feast with family and friends and make sure the Alka-Seltzer/Pepto Bismol is nearby!

SMART Holiday Hours:

Our offices will be closed the following days:

Wednesday 11/22 we will be closing at 3:00 pm

Closed on 11/23 Thanksgiving Day, Closed on 11/24 Family Day and the weekend.

We will re-open on Monday 11/27 normal hours.